Some Christians are like either Broiler chickens or Local farm chickens

 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who continue to kill the prophets and to stone those who are sent to you! How often I have desired and yearned to gather your children together [around Me], as a hen [gathers] her young under her wings, but you would not! Luke 13:34

Some Christians are like broiler chicken very week although they look fine  outside
Some Christians are like broiler chicken very week although they look fine outside due to no faith

In the world there are people and Christians like broiler chickens. They never incubate with their mother chicken so they do not have any experience of sharing motherly love.They are kept in a room with thousands of other small broiler chickens where they are kept for about 14 -40 days.  There they eat similar food every day and litter the place within the constant brightness of artificial fluorescent lights. They never get proper experience and are not familiar with the natural world. Some of them die because of the body weight they develop in short period with malfunction of the psychological aspects. There is a very bad smell due to the litter around the wide space and many die of bird flu, high temperature, lameness and get easily tired. They lie on breast to eat the food because the legs get broken due to weakness. Consequently they bear the wounds at the breast and they die.

Hence  broiler chickens can be compared to lukewarm and fake Christians who just grow under this-worldly circumstances and die soon because they cannot overcome the world due to lack of love, prayer, faith, worship, offerings, words, fellowship, commitment and service. The littering of broiler is lack of repentance due to which it produces bad smell and at last develops diseases leading to death. They don’t walk in the Spirit but in flesh. Their mother is Satan who does not care them and the providence of this fading world which is just the shadow of the original things in heaven.

Some Christians are like local farm chickens that are really strong and healthy due to faith.

But there are the other group of people and Christians who are like local chickens domesticated and raised in poultry farm. The eggs are incubated by the mother hen and baby chicken get to experience motherly love from the time it is inside the egg. When the chickens are hatched they are provided care, protection and food by the mother hen under its wings. Soon they develop the habit of hunting for their food in the open natural environment making them strong and healthy. They play around with other chickens and develop good relationships. They grow under the heat of the sun, coolness of rain and storm and sheds of trees. They develop strong wings and legs. They are too strong. Some are even able to fly at the time of danger for protection. They litter in the open grounds and do not contact it any more.

Hence local domesticated chickens can be compared to genuine Christians for whom the sun is Christ and they grow under the warmth of his love and fellowship and coolness of heavenly providence. There is continuous fellowship with the fellow believers. They pray, read words, grow in faith, and serve Christ, love and fly high when battling with Satan with enough strength and walk in the Spirit. Their littering is like a good repentance from sin, once they repent they never get them repeated again. They are healthy and so no disease or the power of the sin can over take them. They win the world. Their mother is Christ who cares them and heaven which is the original realm that is so close to them.

On the judgement day Christians like the broiler chickens will be thrown in hell and Christians like local chickens will be accepted in heaven.

A Faithful Friend:-By Sirach the Jew who loves God

A Faithful Friend

Book of Sirach 6:5–17

“A kind mouth multiplies friends,
and gracious lips prompt friendly greetings.

Let your acquaintances be many,
but one in a thousand your confidant.

When you gain a friend, first test him,
and be not too ready to trust him

For one sort of friend is a friend when it suits him,
but he will not be with you in time of distress.

Another is a friend who becomes an enemy,
and tells of the quarrel to your shame.

Another is a friend, a boon companion,
who will not be with you when sorrow comes.

When things go well, he is your other self,
and lords it over your servants;

But if you are brought low,
he turns against you and avoids meeting you.

Keep away from your enemies;
be on your guard with your friends.

A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter;
he who finds one finds a treasure.

A faithful friend is beyond price,
no sum can balance his worth.

A faithful friend is a life-saving remedy,
such as he who fears God finds;

For he who fears God behaves accordingly,
and his friend will be like himself.”

2 minutes conversation: Old grandfather and grandson

Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near when you will say, “I have no delight in them” (Ecclesiastes 12:1)

The grandfather realized though it is late…. it is not too late to learn to worship GOD in best ways. He had a hope of heavenly kingdom and the accountability of his responsibility towards the Master.

Grand father in his 80 bought a violin to learnt it after he had mastered in most of the instruments. So grandson was very bewildered and was curious as to why the grandfather wants to learn to play the violin in his old age. So one day while they were together in the door of a house, the question was posed by the grandson.

Grandson: “Grandfather you are 80 years old now. But why do you want to learn violin at this old age. Don’t you think it is too late for you to learn this master piece”

Grandfather: “Grandson, yes I am 80 in the body but i am still young in the spirit to be in heaven. I am living for heaven and not for the earth. You know in heaven you must continue to grow at your skills while you serve almighty GOD. The things you learn now in this earth will help you to worship GOD in heaven. So I learnt this violin so that one day in heaven I will not have to be a new learner of violin. If I start it in heaven it will be too late. So I am preparing right now to learn the basics  so that when I go to heaven it will be easy to learn advanced courses taught by the angels of our GOD.”

Grandson: “Grand Pa you are really genius. I want to learn it too because I have many days to live on earth than you. Will you teach me how to play it”

Grandfather: ” Yes, why not after all our ultimate home is heaven and you know that my day for going there is very near”

Grandson: “Amen”

Gender Equality: see neither man or woman…both appear same in GODs’ eyes

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)

Male and female can be seen spiritually equal only with GOD’s eyes and not mere knowledge of Bible, human rights and gender rights. Continuous holy walk with Christ only can make us to understand true gender equality. We can never understand Gender equality with worldly knowledge of human rights.

Giving only equal rights among the different race is not equality. Giving equal rights for both man and woman alone is not a gender equality.  There are a lot of human rights issue in this world but it cannot be solved by making constitution giving equal rights to man and woman.

The consequence of giving equal rights to man and woman have led more in to the chaos among the young and old alike. The children have become  disobedient to parents because they do not know what the right means. All the rights made in this world have been misused and somewhere man have used his own ideas and philosophy to create rights.

However Bible has a different perspective. In Christ Jesus there is no male or female but they are one. Only Bible can solve  pride filled human rights created by human thoughts. The Bible’s teaching of equality is the best and it can never go wrong. Bible does not talk about just having rights but also mutual love between man and woman. Man is to love woman as they love themselves and in the same way woman ought to love and respect man as they love and respect themselves.

The most amazing fact of gender equality in Christ is that both male and female are one and similar.

So when a Christian believers  discontinue to grow in faith they will not have the experience of gender equality mentioned in Galatians 3:28. If the Christians really want to experience this equality they have to grow spiritually through the WORD of Christ living a holy life. Some Christians just have knowledge of Bible gender equality and they misunderstand it with their faith. Knowledge is a different thing and faith is a different thing. Even the worldly people have knowledge about Christ but do they really believe HIM?

When a Christian grows up in faith by walking daily with Christ Jesus they  will be able to see male and female in Creators’ perspective. In heaven there is no male or female, both of them look-alike. Creator sees both  as one and similar. There is no male or female. So when the Christians walk with GOD for a long time they will experience the feeling of GOD towards male and female. Enoch, Moses, Elijah and  John the Baptist most probably experienced the feeling of GOD towards the oneness of male and female. Jesus Christ and Moses tasted death but they were perfect and resurrected so could not be under death. Enoch and Elijah did not even taste the death and went straight to heaven. John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit before his birth. SO we can really imagine the magnitude of their spirituality which is completely different from slow-growing Christians. Moses knew so much about God’s kingdom that he maintained to keep quite and not to reveal it all besides the Law to the people of his time. (Deuteronomy 29:29)

If only we get to know the glimpse of GOD’s perfection with our daily walk with Jesus Christ then we would be completely changed forever. Korean Pastor David Youngi Cho during his lecture of tabernacle prayer to Americans shared his experience of male and female. He says that when he was young he was really attracted to females. But Jesus Christ our Lord never experienced this attraction with the females. He says when he grew up spiritually with Christ Jesus after many years in his old age there is no more attraction to females. Both male and female appear similar to him. So we can find even in this era Christians who continually walk with Jesus Christ can know the true meaning of gender equality in Christ. So when apostle Paul says there is no male or female in Christ in Galatians 3:28 he was sharing his faith and experience but not a mere knowledge. This  spiritual thing  can be understood according to persons spirituality. So we can check ourselves where do we stand in terms of prayer, words, holy life just through this check point.

Just reading bible and knowing male and female as one has shortage of faith and experience and seeing male and female as one in GOD’s perspective needs our continuous growth and walk with Jesus with holy life.

The following video will inspire you to holy life.

2 minutes story: The DOVE

And the Holy Spirit descended on HIM in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son,whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” Luke 3:22

The LAMB and the LION is CHRIST, the DOVE is HOLY SPIRIT and CHRIST is crucified on the CROSS

There was a DOVE who descended from Heavenly King’s place to His SON prince LAMB’s body on earth. He guided the LAMB in the wilderness of the Wold. He shared a good fellowship with the LAMB during the times of both sorrow and happiness. Whatever LAMB commanded HIM to do HE did it. He healed the sick, cleansed the leper, gave dreams and visions to all young, old and hopeless, drove out the demons, proclaimed gospel to the poor, sanctified the lepers and sinners, condemned world of righteousness, judgement and sin, made blind see, lame walk, dead rise and so many other wonderful things. Whenever the LAMB wanted to pray to HIS FATHER, the DOVE carried the messages from the SON to the FATHER and from FATHER to the SON.

However some bandits of the world the wolves wanted to kill the LAMB because the LAMB was pure and holy. So they made HIM carry the CROSS and crucified the LAMB on the CROSS. The body of LAMB was badly hurt with punches, scourged, lashed 39 times, hands and legs pierced with the nails and stomach pierced with the spears. HE was mocked and the DOVE inside the body of LAMB was safe but was filled with grief and tears for the LAMB and wanted to help. After the death of the LAMB the DOVE shared HIS life with the LAMB with warmth and after three days from the grave resurrected the LAMB with HIS warm Power. The LAMB wanted to stay 40 more days in the world with the people whom HE had saved and healed to share this same fellowship in the DOVE. After 40 days the LAMB promised HIS people whom HE would sent the same DOVE to stay in their bodies so that they would experience the same resurrection to life.

Then suddenly the DOVE carried the LAMB with HIS wings and flew above the clouds, skies, space and took HIM to the right hand side of FATHER’s throne. When LAMB sat beside HIS FATHER HE became a LION KING of all creatures and universe. However DOVE had to come back again to the people of LAMB and FATHER to guide HIS people towards salvation and redemption with omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence to take them back to FATHER when the SON LION KING would come to judge the disobedient bandits and wolves and take his fellow people through resurrection of life in DOVE to eternity.

Prosperity Gospel: a gospel none sense without the CROSS

Don’t sell Gospel

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9

At the horizon of the gospel is the gospel of prosperity as some preachers of this modern era convey. But is it only the prosperity of wealth? Some of the preachers have just focused on prosperity of wealth which is nothing but foolishness to proclaim. Jesus just did not come for the prosperity of wealth but he came to the world to give prosperity for spirit, soul and body(3 john 2). Just yelling at the believers to give and in turn they would receive abundantly from the LORD is nothing but just some joke made out of the message Jesus Christ wants to proclaim through his cross.

There is one fundamental truth and Christ our LORD was right by his truth when HE said, “But seek first HIS kingdom and HIS righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33). These believers who don’t seek the kingdom  and righteousness first do not know how to be obedient towards the commandment of GOD. Old testament and New Testament is clear about the  blessing through obedience of the GOD’s word. Christ Himself is the word. So just asking the believers to plant more in terms of monetary offerings but not teaching them to obey GOD’s command and to lead a holy life will not give any rewards to preachers without good sound doctrines. One TV Preacher is never heard of speaking of sins and there is no doubt how this person will teach the believers of his church to repent of their sins. His teaching consists of being confident in the LORD and encouraging the believers to walk in dreams and success which is similar to motivational teaching found in self-help books written by professionals of worldly educationists and motivational speakers. But the difference is he just introduces Christ, GOD and Holy Spirit in his teaching. Christ himself spoke about the sins and who is this  preacher who does not want to utter the word “sin”. He proclaims GOD has given him the responsibility to proclaim prosperity gospel which is a clear none sense. Even the worldly people can be economically successful and they are in the top 100 list and did they follow this sort of prosperity gospel?

The most sad part of prosperity gospel is that most of the believers end up giving their property and economy to the LORD with an intention to have more from the LORD.  Sadly most of them end of receiving nothing and drift away from Christianity. They are just obedient to give but not obedient to other commands like “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy: without holiness no one will see the LORD” (Hebrew 12:14). George Muller fed thousands and thousands of street kids, orphans and widows just with prayer with no single penny of his own. He built shelters and provided food for them. Forget all that! He would even support other missionaries around the world with prayer and offerings. He led a holy life and taught his followers to be holy.

However there are some preachers who teach holiness and obedience to the believers and they are prosperous in spirit, soul and body. They cannot be condemned as heresy. Anyone who condemns them as heresy will be taken serious action by the LORD. It is very sad news to hear that  especially world-renowned Pastor dying of the car accident. He condemned all the ministers of LORD who had been successful in terms of economy. How ever all the successful Pastors don’t just teach to give but they teach the believer to be obedient and to be holy in Christ due to which the believers are prosperous in spirit, soul and body. These ministers don’t teach prosperity gospel, they teach gospel of CROSS of CHRIST which of course leads to prosperity. So any one who condemns and judges them will be judged and condemned by LORD in a serious ways.

The gospel missing cross of Christ is to be omitted and not to be followed. There is no gospel called prosperity gospel in Bible. The books by Moses is the best books in the Bible to be refereed to see the causes of prosperity. Moses summarizes the prosperity through faith and obedience to GOD not by economic abundance. In the New Testament without Cross of Christ prosperity counts to nothing. Prosperity is not out of what we sow and reap. It is ” For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through this poverty might become rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9)

The Entity: Evil Spirits haunting the people at night

Casting the entity out in the name of Jesus Christ

Today in this modern age the experience of  entity is common as it was in the ancient times.  The understanding of entity is totally different from the view-point of the victim of entity and the scientists of the modern era.  The entity attacks the person while they are asleep in bed and at other times. There is hell lot of paranormal activities and Hollywood horror movies and documentaries just bring them to life. Remember that most of the horror movies are inspired by true paranormal occurrences.

The scientists and doctors describe this phenomenon as sleep paralysis in which person is half awake and half asleep. During this time the victim is dreaming while he is awake. So according to science the experience is merely out of patience fear which led the victim to be paralyzed for a short moment and see horror figures and activities.  During this time the victims have a rapid eye movement and fear in their hearts. The victim cannot speak and do not have any idea what they have to do. The entity is recognized as a physical process than person that attacks the victims by scientist, doctors and psychologists. But the entity attack is beyond bed, sleep and awake.

The victims suffering from the entity attack describe their condition in a more different way. They wake up suddenly from sleep and experience the presence of some unknown figures which is mostly ghostly in experience. Victims witness that these figures torment them with the great force  making the victim difficult to breathe, talk and move. The victims can clearly see the face, dress, forms of these unknown person and ugly appearances. The attacks of the entity ranges from promiscuous sexual acts, attacking hands, legs, breasts, head and anywhere in the body. The entity also can rattle the bed or throw the victim from the bed to injure. Scientist, doctors and their devices can’t help them to realize what they experience and hence the problem is unsolved. The entity still remains mystery to doctor, scientist and inexperienced people.

The haunted houses are usually old construction with dark rooms

The entity attack is beyond night and sleeping moments.  The old houses, castles, buildings, cottages etc have been recorded as  haunted by the spirits of suicide victims, occult practitioners, magicians, murders, witches, wizards, fortune tellers, sorcerers etc. It has been witnessed that the spirits of these dead people live in the house making their territory. The person buying the houses of such dead people have frequently left those houses when they experienced supernatural evil and frightful moments. Some victims even see those spirits. The spirits can harm the victims in a serious way. The people renting a room of those dead people were reported of being haunted by their spirits. The noises come, electronic bulbs are turned on itself, TV sets are turned on, gas stove is on, the window and doors open and close on its own. When victims realize the cause of this event and the history of those seen spirits,they are taken aback with fear. The houses where torture, bloodshed, magic, occult, murder etc had been practiced in the past were the houses that were found more haunted by the entity. The most shocking event is that even when the people moved from their haunted houses were  followed by the evil spirit to the next place where they reside.This process does not involve rapid eye movements, paralysis, dumbness, weakness etc during sleeping hours. These are the checkpoints where scientists, doctors, psychologists and their devices fail to provide cure for the victims of entity because it is beyond their knowledge and experience. It needs a different dimension to be understood completely.

The entity attack is completely spiritual dimension and it can be dealt only with spiritual aspects.  It was found that most of the people who believed Jesus Christ were free from this attack. The evil spirits fear HIS  name but it needs faith to work. A believer in Christ  have the authority to drive these spirits from the house, person, animals and objects. So there is a cure in spiritualism that is pure. Jesus during his ministry on earth lived HIS life casting out evil spirits from the body of the demon possessed people. HE is the same today and tomorrow as HE was during his ministry. The person having an entity attack can refer to Bible, read it, believe in Jesus and pray in the name of Jesus commanding those tormenting evil spirits to be cast out from house, objects and from the human body as well. Humans can have authority over the evil spirits, demons, devils and Satan only in the name of Jesus Christ. Christians around the world are practicing this authority in Christ Jesus. The entity can recognize the faithful servant of Christ from distance, tremble, be cast out and run away.

Around the whole globe thousands and millions of people are experiencing the deliverance from the entity attack in the name of Jesus Christ and rendering their service to Christ Jesus proclaiming the gospel of peace,love, mercy, redemption and salvation.

note: you can refer to: for other paranormal activities

Missionary Explorer David Livingstone put an end to Africa’s slavery

Missionary Explorer David Livingstone
Missionary Explorer David Livingstone

It is no wonder why the majority of the people in various continents around the world blame Christianity for the slavery. It is not the religion that enforced slavery. It has been in practice long since the first century BC. Slavery was the buying and selling of humans for the purpose of fulfilling the industrial works since long back in the history. Moreover the losing countries and tribesman had to surrender to serve the victor countries and tribesman as slaves.

It is very painful to see the misconception of the religious conscious people blaming Christianity for the slavery of their natives. Africa was once a slave source for the European and Mid-East countries. The African tribesmen themselves had war with each other. Portuguese slave traders were the most ferocious traders of human trafficking of African nationals. Surprisingly African tribes do not have the hero of their own to bring them freedom from slavery.

The history points to great explorer as the pioneer of contribution in freeing Africa from slavery. This explorer was David Livingstone who had come to explore Africa in the consent of London government. It was he who named the Victoria Falls under the name of the Queen of Britain. He explored much of Africa but witnessed heavy human trafficking by the Portuguese and  Mid-East nations involved in imposing the slavery to their countries. He being dedicated Christian decided to end the slavery in Africa and during his exploring of the African continent he made many false reports to his government in Britain to prolong his days in Africa. He walked the African continent and made his exploring adventure success with the steam boat. Many of his acquaintances died of malaria and serious illness but he thrived. He also missed his wife and children back in Scotland while he traveled. He spent much of his time with African people fighting against the slavery. He preferred to call himself Missionary explorer and taught the people of Africa much of Christianity and freedom.

On his death people of Africa hung him on a tree for days. They brought him down and embalm him. They planned to take his coffin to London. Many bearers died on the way but many did not leave bearing him until the end. One of the young African followed the coffin till it reached Great Britain.

People of London were astonished by this incident.  By  the time David Livingstone died he was already popular in Europe because of his published reports of his explore in Africa. Queen of England being aware as to why David Livingstone had been so long in Africa for the purpose to end the slavery planned that Britain should play the vital role in ending slavery in Africa. The dead body of David Livingstone was taken back to Africa for the burial due to the love of African people.  She sent the envoys and soldiers in Africa to deal with the Portuguese and Mid-East slave traders to put an end the slavery. Consequently slavery came to and end. Various regional tribes came to form their own treaties and divided the land among themselves making the countries for themselves resulting in the stoppage of tribal wars. Today Africa is slavery free and have their own independent countries. The literate African person at this modern age will not forget David Livingstone if he has much knowledge about the history of the freedom in his continent.

Today Scotland has 10 pounds note with the image of Missionary Explorer David Livingstone imprinted to remember his contribution in ending the slavery of Africans.

Call of the Divine GOD

It’s been very long that we must have been seeking as to what the will of GOD is in our lives. It is really hard to find out what we are to do for the LORD. Most of the times we make an error that GOD can use us if we are more talented, influential and educated. We think that every good activity we do is in the acceptance with the goodness of GOD. We can be what we want to be, live a very good life as a Christian here on earth but in eternity there is nothing for us except the salvation. What about the robe of righteousness which is good works of the saints as described in the Revelations? We can go on doing our will missing GOD’s will not having  big rewards in heaven. If everything is going on happily for us with no prayer and word listening then something is seriously wrong with our Christian life. Are the happiness outcome of compromises with the people of this world? Then we are missing lot of important things that GOD have prepared for us to his calling. Yes we may be liked by many, earn respects, do parties and other funny stuffs but deep down in our hearts we know something is missing out.

The only way to know the calling of GOD is to be led by the Spirit of GOD. GOD will always call each and every one of us but it is up to us to be chosen through our responds to GOD’s calling and to remain faithful to HIS calling. Of course many are called, few are chosen and still few are faithful. What is faithfulness? Faithfulness is doing as GOD wants us to do in terms of our responsibility and duty. More over we have to be faithful as Moses was in all the GOD’s house. How can we be faithful in all GOD’s household? Doing and completing our responsibility and duty towards GOD’s people and our neighbors with love and humbleness can make us faithful in GOD’s all household. Faithfulness is the fruit of the Spirit and not our ability. GOD will not recognize our ability on the day of judgment but how much fruit of the Spirit we have yielded will be more recognized. It may be 30, 60,100 fold and ripe. Be careful this ascending numbers states the maturity of the fruits of the Spirit in orderly way with proper stages of growth in the fruits of the Spirit. We can’t suddenly produce 100 fold of fruits of the Spirit without producing 30 and 60 first to be completely ripe. It is the same with the fruit trees of this world. If we do not produce these fruits of the spirit then we are not living as GOD has called us to be in the heavenly service of the gospel. Every one of us are responsible to gospel outreach.

The Spirit’s fruits are produced mainly in three ways:

  • Guidance of the Holy Spirit
  • Word of GOD
  • Repenting, Prayer and Fasting

In addition to the fruits of the Spirit the supernatural manifestations should be carried out from our lives which is explained as the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Without driving out demons, speaking in tongues, healing the sick, miracles, signs, wonders, visions, dreams, prophecy etc the gospel is incomplete. Jesus went through out the Israel with gospel accompanied by this manifestations. If we as the sons of GOD are unable to bear these supernatural manifestations then Devil’s become more stronger than us. In other terms our authority is too small due to lack of Holy Spirit’s guidance, Word, Repentance, prayer and fasting. We should know faith is the gift of GOD. We can increase our faith by praying,”LORD increase our faith” just as disciples requested to Jesus. Only GOD can increase our true faith accompanied by works of supernatural manifestations. Only GOD can increase the fruits. The fruits, gifts, services and works are very important thing.  Workers are Apostles,prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists. Only GOD can select the workers to his ministry for the gospel.These can be accomplished only through Holy Spirit’s guidance, Word of GOD, repentance, prayer and fasting in full measure.  Services are elders, leaders, deacons, missionary, charity which is based on some qualifications such as holiness, scripture knowledge, service to the family, reputation in the community etc.

So as a calling of God what is our works and services? Have we responded to GOD to HIS divine calling? Are we faithful enough to produce the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit? Are we holy enough to accompany our faith with the signs and wonders, powers and miracles, deliverance and healing through Guidance of the Spirit, Word of GOD, Repentance, Prayer and Fasting.